July 26, 2012

"Curious Liam"

turned THREE this past Monday.  

So, we had a little party...
a few little decorations here and there...

Good eats...

(side note: I might be a chip-aholic.  True story.  So, four different types of chips at party isn't normal?!)

 A little sugar.  

Correction, A LOT of sugar.

And why not bling out the cups, napkins and every.thing.else?  


There were of course many notables in attendance for the party...
the paparazzi spied...
Special guests from the west coast, Aunt Angela and Grandma Nanette

Sweet Ellen Anne and Finley...
(nevermind Jimmy Dorsey's balancing act on Cooper's head in the background)

The gorgeous Baby Fiona and Aunt Nancy

"Papa" smiling and Grandma diligently trying to figure out the party favor rubrix cube.   

Brother Dax and his girlfriend Melanie

The increasingly goofy Jimmy "Jimbo" Dorsey

Master William

Pete "Piggie" Dorsey, who might have been upset at the obscene amount of John Deere equipment that Liam got at his party  

They quickly went to "work" together as usual farming as best buds

Big thanks to the mister, who spent much of his day doing this...
and trying to get Liam to actually read the cards before opening the presents...
...maybe next year honey.

And to Liam, 
your inquisitive little mind always amazes me, 
your silly personality makes me smile,
your energy is out of this world,
your spirit is infectious, 
and I love you "to the moon and back"!