June 13, 2012

Lines with Liam

Scene: Laying in Liam's twin size bed, oh around 9:27p.m. (over an hour past his bedtime), trying to get him to sleep.
Liam: Mom (he calls me mom now!)...we need to say our prayers!
Me: (silent for a moment because we have now said prayers three times already and I know he is just trying to buy time but I can't tell a kid he can't pray right?!) OK, Liam, who do you want to pray for?
Liam: You
Me: Who else?
Liam: Myself
Me: Who else?
Liam: Me
Me: Who else?
Liam: My's (How Liam says myself)
Me: Who else?
Liam: Liam
Me: (Trying not to laugh at this point) Who else?
Liam: (silent...completely asleep)
Me: (Thank you Lord! He is asleep! Prayers answered on both ends)

Scene: Outside in our backyard running around and playing on a beautiful spring evening. 
Liam: (Stops dead in his tracks) MOM! I need to get my mower! I need to mow the grass.
Me: (Trying to get him interested in another activity) No, lets play catch!
Liam: No, I need to mow the grass!
Me: Liam, your mower is downstairs.  Lets ride your bike.  (Not wanting to go downstairs and drag his mower outside and listen to the popping noise it makes for the next 15 minutes.)
Liam: (Visibably frustrated, gives a Liam sigh) Mom, I'm just going to pretend!

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