March 30, 2012

Cookin' Honey

As in honey oak EXPLOSION that was happening in our kitchen when we moved in...
Check out this really functional island...?!! NOT !
I have a serious problem with ceiling fans...I need to get over it. 
Believe me now?  HONEY OAK in your face.  

First step, PAINT.  Cabinets.  Walls.  Trim.
Progress.  So. much. better.

Next step, get rid of that island and refinish the hardwoods.
We went for the dark stain on the right...
I have to sweep my floors almost daily but it is worth it. LOVE them.
Next remove the awful white square tiles...
 Replace with beautiful glass subway tile in a subtle gray hue...courtesy of my incredibly handy and talented father in law and hubbie. (Richard I promise I won't put you to work for the entire week you visit us next time! Well, maybe just a couple days...)
Obsessed with subway tile. 

Then I do what I do best...SHOP...on craigslist of course.  I really wish I had a before pic of this puppy.  It was an old, honey oak (of course) console that the mister did what he does best...refinish...antique... and slapped some granite on the top.  My father in law built a base for it, new hardware, sealed it and put rollers on the drawers to make a trash can slide out of the right side.  And voila...custom kitchen island for less than $150!
Pardon the misters attempt at graffiti on our garage walls.  Yes, I did make him paint the entire garage afterwards.  The point of this picture is to show you yet another craigslist purchase of bar stools.  5 for under $100!  A little paint and good as new.   
Next, remove the ceiling fan and add some wonderful pendant lights...
And some DIY artwork done on a Saturday night with a couple bottles of wine...
Moral of this story....
Life with a toddler and a newborn + new home with honey oak, house fans, bad tile, awkward island and early 90s fixtures = Saturday night house projects.
Maybe I should learn how to cook now?!!


  1. gorgeous Jill! I hate our dark cabinets, hoping to make them white someday too!

  2. Looks great! What a difference! Love the tile!!

  3. Great job! You can see from our bathroom that I'm a huge fan of subway tiles too--they're timeless.
